Meet Rosy, International Student and Chinese Mandarin Speaker

Meet Rosy, also known as Babyqueen, a vibrant 22-year-old undergraduate student in
Marketing management exploring the world and celebrating cultural diversity. Pursuing
her bachelor’s degree taught in Chinese Mandarin , Rosy fearlessly
immerses herself in language and culture as the sole international student in her
classroom, surrounded by Chinese classmates. She shares her adventures on TikTok
(@ababyqueen) and Instagram (@babyqueen2.002), embodying the transformative power
of travel and inspiring others to embrace new experiences and perspectives.

Can you tell us a little about yourself and what inspires you to travel?

I’m a curious black girl driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to experience life in different parts of the world. What inspires me to travel is the opportunity to immerse myself in diverse cultures, learn from new perspectives, and expand my understanding of the world. I’m motivated by the idea of breaking down barriers, challenging stereotypes, and fostering connections with people from all walks of life. Traveling allows me to embrace the beauty of cultural diversity, celebrate our shared humanity, and continuously grow as an individual.

How has travel impacted your life and how has it changed you?
Traveling, especially immersing myself in different cultures like I am doing
currently in China while studying, has profoundly shaped me. It’s expanded
my worldview, deepened my understanding of diversity, and fueled my
passion for learning about other cultures. The experience has made me more
open-minded, adaptable, and appreciative of the richness of human experience across the globe.

Where was your most recent travel experience and what did it teach

My most recent travel experience was in the Philippines. I encountered
exceptionally kind and welcoming people who maintained a positive
outlook despite economic challenges. Their resilience and warmth
taught me the importance of finding joy and gratitude in every situation, regardless of external circumstances.

What has been your most favorite travel experience and why?

My favorite travel experience continues to be my time in China. The ongoing journey of experiencing the beauty of diversity, learning the Chinese language, and encountering kindness from strangers has been truly enriching. Staying in Beijing has provided me with opportunities to meet people from around the world, like my best friend Marina from Turkmenistan. I learned so much about her country and culture, an opportunity that I wouldn’t have had if I didn’t travel.

Do you have any tips or advice for people who want to travel more?

As a black girl, here are some tips that I can give to travel more: prioritize destinations known for inclusivity and safety, connect with supportive communities, pack with consideration for personal needs, budget wisely, take advantage of deals and discounts, embrace solo adventures, and share your experiences with others. Through mindful planning and resilience, traveling as a black girl has been an empowering journey of exploration and growth for me.

What are the must-have items in your packing list?
As a black girl, must-have items on my packing list include hair care
products, sunscreen, moisturizer, culturally appropriate clothing, a
versatile scarf, portable snacks, a universal adapter, comfortable shoes,
a journal, and any necessary medications. These essentials ensure I
feel confident, comfortable, and prepared to explore new destinations, while staying true to myself and my needs.

Why do you think is it important for black women to travel?

Black women traveling is important for several reasons. Firstly, it allows us to reclaim narratives and challenge stereotypes by showcasing our diverse experiences and perspectives. Traveling fosters personal growth, resilience, and self-confidence as we navigate unfamiliar environments and cultures. It also promotes cultural exchange and understanding, breaking down barriers and fostering connections with people from different backgrounds. Additionally, travel empowers us to explore our identities, celebrate our heritage, and amplify our voices on a global scale. Overall, traveling as black women enables us to broaden our horizons, expand our possibilities, and contribute to a more inclusive and interconnected world.

How did learning a new language impact your life?

As an undergraduate student, learning a new language, particularly Chinese Mandarin, has profoundly impacted my life in several ways. Firstly, it has enhanced my academic journey by immersing me in a new linguistic and cultural landscape, broadening my understanding of the world. Secondly, mastering Mandarin has opened up an exciting adventure like providing a platform on Tiktok, YouTube and Instagram to connect with other people and share my new cultural experiences. Additionally, it has enriched my personal experiences, enabling me to connect more deeply with Chinese culture, people, and traditions. Overall, learning Mandarin has not only expanded my horizons but has also equipped me with valuable skills and perspectives that will benefit me both academically and professionally in the years to come.

Can you tell us about your international education experiences?

Being the only international student in a classroom of Chinese classmates as I pursue my undergraduate degree in Marketing management taught in Chinese Mandarin has been a uniquely enriching experience. It has provided me with unparalleled opportunities to immerse myself in the language and culture, as well as to forge meaningful connections with my peers. Despite the initial challenges of being in a foreign environment, I have found immense support and camaraderie among my classmates, who have been patient and encouraging as I navigate the complexities of Mandarin and adapt to life in China. This experience has not only deepened my understanding and appreciation of the language but has also broadened my cultural horizons and fostered a sense of belonging in a global community.

Where can people follow your travel journeys?

You can immerse yourself in my travel journeys on TikTok at @ababyqueen and on Instagram at @babyqueen2.002, where I share the beauty of cultural diversity by adapting to the local customs, languages, and habits. Join me as I explore new destinations and embrace the richness of global cultures, fostering connections and understanding across borders.

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